Wednesday, April 01, 2009

2 Years Old - Through and Through

Peyton is at the peak of her opinionated and demanding two's. She is the cutest stinker in the world.

First of all, she prefers to be naked whenever possible. Lucky for her, it's nice weather. I fight the clothing battle only when I have to. I couldn't resist this naked pic on the swingset (leaf added for modesty, ha ha)!

("black" blankie on the left, new "blankie" on the right, thumb in the mouth - classic Pey!)

And then there's her "black" blanket. See, Pey's had a blanket from day one that Aunt Lindy gave her. That soon became "THE" blanket. And, although we've tried to buy replacements or additions, they are never the same. She won't completely refuse the new ones, but she always asks for the old one first. Recently, we bought her an exact replica. The old one looks so dingy...especially since it got washed with a load of darks and has taken on a perma-filthy look. So now she wants BOTH the new and old twin blankets...but the way she deciphers them is to call her old one her "black blankie"!

It's so funny, and no matter how much I try to teach her "white" or "pink" (plus she knows her colors), it is firmly called her "black" blankie. In fact the other night, at like 3 am, we hear this hysterical crying from her room. I went in there and she's sobbing "I NEED my BLACK blankie Mommy!!".


Beth said...

oh......she is so cute and we miss her so much. Luke asked me to get some make-up off the fidge yesterday that had been in a timeout since payton was here last. I guess its been on the fidge for months. Anyway if is the stuff luke and pey rubbed throughout their hair. Luke proceeded to tell me that it was Pey-Peys make-up (really poor lindsays) I was pleased he could recall a memory with his little friend. And Jacob keeps matter-o-factly telling me that he is worried because he wants to be a dad, but Lexi said she didn't want any babies. He hopes she changes her mind. They most certainly had discussed it. I wonder how long their love can last even though it is a long distance relationship. He is still very loyal.

Jamie and Family said...

Beth, Funny Lukey story!!!

Pey STILL screams "Lukey's Car" whenever she sees a gold van!!!

britt said...

I can relate to THE blankie issue. Neither Ame or Kaipo have had an attachment like Ash has with HIS blankie. Unfortunately I have yet to find the exact one to replace the white dingy one. Of course who knows if he would even take a replacement.
Love the naked SENSORED picture. Too funny!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

She is so stinkin cute!! Haha.. can totally relate to the two's issue and the nakedness. Mikey walks around naked all the time!!