Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Why I Get Groceries WITHOUT Them

Where will all the groceries go???
Peyton's carseat doesn't fit in the front part of these "fun" carts, so she takes up the whole basket. And, sure, the girls COULD walk...but the trade off would be me saying "girls, watch out, you're going to run into that person", "stay right by me", "come back here", "no, put that back", etc. until my voice was gone! Soooo, this is why I go at night as I said before, unless it is an "emergency" like this one. I do have to fun thing about going grocery shopping during the day is all the food samples we got! Yum!


Katie said...

That is so funny! My mom used to take us shopping so often that by the time we got our driver's license she would just send us to do the grocery shopping, so think of it as young shoppers in training!

Chris Grover said...

I just don't even know what to say to that! I am awed by how you do it! Seriously, oh my gosh! Do you feel like you are pushing around a CAR instead of a CART?! Your muscles must be ginormous!