Well, the arthritis has reached an all time bad. I NEED to do something about it, so I decided to initially explore an alternative route. My mom helped me a find a couple of great options. So, today was my first attempt - a chinese medicine doctor. She is an MD, but practices herbal medicine and acupuncture. So I experienced about 12 needles poked around my body today (including my forehead - sorry I forgot the camera!) and I have to say it wasn't too bad! She also mixed me up my own special batch of dry herbs which I am supposed to boil down and drink for the next week. Yummm. It's worth a try, right? It's a slight bit out of my natural comfort zone, but I want to explore ALL options for my health and my body. By the way, I'd love to hear anyone's experiences or encouragement in this specific area!
I wish you the absolute best with this new medical treatment. I've never tried it, but always believed it has its place (just like chiropractors). Is it a cure-all? No, probably not...but neither is "modern medicine" by far. Can it help? Only you can answer that. Keep us posted!
I hope that this treatment can help you. I am convinced that the herbs/acupuncture and the adjustments I received from my Chiro helped me achieve pregnancy the first time around. I had a coworker that had a pain issue- I can't remember what exactly but I know that other than Vicodin or Oxycontin the only relief came from her acupuncture treatment and also from her chiropractic treatment. I hope it works for you also. Good luck and keep us posted.
I did acupuncture once for headaches. Can't say it cured it, but surprisingly the acupuncture felt good at the time. I'm a believer in Chinese medicine. I'll be curious to hear the future results. I always figure it can't hurt.
It amazing all the different things you are willing to try when you are in PAIN. I commend you for your courage and positive attitude through it all. I'll be curious to see what works for you.
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