Friday, March 02, 2007

Baby Stats

Peyton had her 4 month check-up today. I always hate shot day. She got three shots, and they have a new oral vaccine for the Rota virus - which Peyton HATES anything that is not milk in her mouth, and gags like crazy. Anyway, here are her stats:

*21 lbs 4 oz

*25.5 inches

*Ready to start on rice cereal, fruits and veggies!

To give contrast to her 4 months Lexi was 16 lbs and 22 inches. So Pey is definitely off the charts! The doctor was like "what does she eat?" and I said "mostly breastmilk, but I supplement with formula". He seemed a little horrified and said, "you don't NEED to give her formula in ADDITION to breastmilk, she seems like she's getting plenty!". I was like "well I give her formula in PLACE of breastmilk sometimes...". I mean, its not like I'm shoving food down her throat when she's not hungry JUST to see how chubby she can get! I feed the babe when she's hungry, for goodness sakes! There's nothing wrong with a chubby baby to me!


Carlotta said...

she needs storage to keep up with her sisters soon. She looks like you in this pic.

Debbie said...

oh my heavens that is so funny 21 lbs and 4 months old, love it. she is so cute jamie!

Chris Grover said...

haa, my neighbor was just laughing when she checked your post because her year and a half old went for her check-up yesterday and she weighs the same as peyton! her doctor was talking about having to put her on a weight gaining diet! peyton couldn't be any cuter!!