Monday, July 24, 2006

Summer = Fresh Fruit

I love living here this time of year (and NOT for the 113 degree days!). We have fresh produce stands EVERYWHERE and you can get fruit or veggies for like 1/5 of the grocery store's prices. There is a stand right by our house that sells 5 lb bags of peaches or nectarines for $2 per bag, so I've been stopping there every couple days to get some! These have been such a lifesaver snack during this pregnancy! I love it!


Unknown said...

I am so jealous- seriously that is awesome! Plus I couldn't believe it was done on the honor system.

Chris Grover said...

I always talk about that with Chris. Oh how I miss the strawberries and corn! I am fully jealous!

Debbie said...

Those look so GOOD!