Thursday, July 27, 2006

Cousins and Costco

Alyson's been visiting for the past week, and tonight the girls decided to go swimming in our backyard blow-up pool. Alyson is a year older than Jordyn, and they love to play (and argue!). It's fun to have cousins so close in age and living so close.

Today I had a OBGYN appt - baby's heartbeat is strong...and so is my weight gain (ha ha). Anyway, Lindy came with me and the girls and we decided to "stop by" Costco after the appointment. Costco is NOT a place you merely "stop by", even if your intentions were to grab just 2 or 3 things. So after a long, hot walk around the wherehouse, trying samples and keeping kids happy, we checked out with each of our carts holding more like 12 or 13 items! I just can't believe how much energy a Costco run takes in this extreme heat! Loading in and out of the car...ugh.

1 comment:

Eliza2006 said...

Look at those cute girls! I love Costco. So, how much do you weigh? You're pregnant, you have an excuse, divulge the secret!!!
