Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Katie, Savannah and Cooper!

We are lucky to have visitors this week. Katie, Julie, Savannah (4) and Cooper (2) came to visit us from Utah this week. Katie and I have been friends for 19 years, and we live in different states now, so we only get to see eachother a couple times per year. Our kids are the same ages, so they have had a lot of fun playing together. Today we swam for a few hours in the 104 heat, so that means TIRED kids tonight! We're having a good time and its fun to see the kids making memories together. As my mom always tells me, its your job as a mom to "MM" - Make Memories for your kids.

1 comment:

Chris Grover said...

How fun!! It's always such a treat to reconnect with old friends! And THANK GOODNESS for pools, right?! Hope you guys have a GREAT time!