Monday, December 28, 2015

TDC Elite Team Swim Party

So, this year, Jill and I decided to throw a beginning of the year TDC Elite Team Swim Party.  We thought it would be a fun kick-off to the year, as well as a way for the girls to welcome the new dancers to the team.  Jill was planning to add a pool to her backyard (aka re-do the entire yard!), and so we planned it for the end of September, when her yard was scheduled to be ready.  After LOTS of stress, her yard was done 24 hours before the party! 

 Here is a pic of the girls doing their very first jump into the pool!

The party came together very nicely.  We had a mexican restaurant prepare the food, Jill bought purple decor, and we made team tumbler cups for the moms and the girls, and all but three girls were able to make it!  

Another fun part is that we asked Roberta to match up team sisters in time for us to announce them at the party, (sometimes they end up doing that closer to December), so that was a really fun addition.

Jordyn's sister is Lola Leonardo

Lexi's sister is Rachel Nelson

And Peyton got a team "brother" Carrson O'Bannon!

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