Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Santa's Village 2015 - 1st Annual

I'm not sure I can adequately describe the kind of work and time it took to pull of our first annual "Santa's Village" fundraiser for our TDC Parent Club.  But it was way, way more work than I had imagined when we first came up with the idea. It sort of took on a life of its own before we could even fully grasp what was happening.  I will say, now that it's over, it was a beautiful and successful event, that took a LOT of people to pull it off.  But the trickiest part of the entire thing was making sure it was a profitable event so that it was a fundraiser WORTH the time of all 18 families who participated.  Keeping the costs down and maximizing donations was essential.  And we learned a LOT.  Mostly that dealing with that many families, moms and ideas can be very challenging.  I wouldn't have wanted to head up that event with anyone else than Jill.  We work very well together and compliment each other well.

We basically transformed the parking lot of the Dance Company into a winter wonderland with Santa magic everywhere.  We pre-sold tickets to the event (which included a photo with santa) and had over 700 people attend within a few hours!  Here are a few photos to highlight the evening.

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