Saturday, August 01, 2015

Utah- Sunday Dinner

When we come to Utah, Jeannine always finds the love and energy to invite everyone to come over for a huge family dinner. Which means about 30 ppl. It's no small feat, and she somehow makes it look easy. But we always appreciate it and it's awesome to get to see everyone together a couple times a year.

Somehow, Jeannine and Neal were suddenly downstairs wearing matching outfits! Everyone thought that was totally hilarious, apparently Neal bought them about 15 years ago and this was the second time they have worn them! Then, next thing I know, Jaden is trying on one of Pa's Hawaiian shirts. We had to capture a picture because it aged him about 50 years! He thought it was cool though.

The kids always want to play games at the adult table, but they know the rules and so finally, after years of trying to get them to do it, these girls played a card game at their own table for hours!

 I felt like I was part miracle worker but I got some of the Gertson's to smile and pose for a picture!

Peyton with her "twin" Brock.

And her Emmi :-)

This is the amazing view of Mount Olympus from Gam & Pa's backyard.

Gam made her famous watermelon ice cream dessert, it's amazing how fast we gobbled that up!

I'm trying to remember how many pounds of chicken Lynda Ann cooked up, but I think she said it was 30 pounds? I don't think I've ever seen that much chicken cooked up for family dinner!

One boy and all girls at the older kids table.

And then one girl and all boys at the younger kids table. Jaden was nice enough to sit with the younger kids.

Cute mother/son picture!

Jeannine bought this huge pack of extremely thick, nice, patriotic paper plates at Costco. She had planned to use them for Sunday dinner. But I told her I KNEW we would come home from Tiffany's house and the table would be set with her China. I was right! She couldn't get herself to use the paper plates LOL. But they definitely came in handy the rest of the week.

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