Monday, November 24, 2014

Tucker's 42nd Birthday

So, for Tucker's bday this year, he picked out some biking bibs that were shockingly expensive, but something he'd really been we didn't have lots of gifts for him. But we still wanted to celebrate as a family, so we had a fun day out eating at Bravo Farms (not sure the kids loved it, but it has the most amazingly fresh, yummy salads and it's our fav), and then saw Meet The Mormons at the theater. We also walked around Costco for a bit and got birthday dinner food...but Costco on a Saturday is opposite of fun, to me.

The next day we cooked a salmon and crab birthday dinner. It was Tucker's idea to teach the girls to crack and eat crab (I really don't care for it)...and these pictures capture some of the girls' disgust at the whole thing! 

Peyton, trying to be brave. But Jordyn's face! 

Lexi is being a good actress because this isn't really how she felt about it!

But it was a fun experience and Tucker loved it! 

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