Saturday, November 29, 2014

Tour de Fresno Bike Race

September 15th: The "Tour De Fresno" is a local bike race. Tucker signed up to do the 75 mile ride, for the first time. He likes to have a big goal to work toward because it motivates him to stay on track, so he had been training for it, but the most he had ridden, up until that day, was 60 miles. 

It just so happened that the race went through Kingsburg and had a rest stop there. So the girls and I were able to go meet Tucker there and cheer him on and give him some encouragement for the last leg of the race! It was pretty darn hot that day, and even though the race started early, by the time he came through Kingsburg it was starting to get a little extra warm! 

Tucker said one of the really fun parts of the biking community is the people you meet and get to encourage each other along the way by drafting off one another and just pushing each other to go harder.

We are proud of you, Tucker!

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