Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Beth's Visit / Mina's Wedding

I was really lucky because I got to spend a weekend with Beth. That is RARE now that she lives in Texas! She flew in for Mina's wedding. I picked her up from the airport Thursday at 1:00 and we didn't stop talking until Sunday at 1:00 when I dropped her back off...and that was STILL not enough time. It's really so sad that you can't live close to everyone you love. But I think it's even harder because we DID live so close the first 6 years we knew each other.

We had so much fun going out to eat, playing like kids at Ulta (thus the lipstick), and just talking! We drove down to LA for the wedding...and had to give Fernando (Mina's brother) a ride, and at first we thought that would hinder our topics of conversation. But Fernando was so funny and he thought we were so fascinating to listen to! We ended up giving him therapy half the time.

It was a crazy whirlwind weekend doing Mina's hair, makeup, taking pics at the temple and driving back for the reception in Selma. But it really was so fun and I absolutely LOVED every second!

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