Saturday, November 29, 2014

Lexi's 11th Birthday - Friend Outing

Lexi's birthday is always during Thanksgiving week. Because of that, sometimes it is hard to fit in a friend party since everyone is gone for the holidays. It's been a few years since she has done something with friends, so this year I had her pick four friends from her class at school and invite them to do something. She has a pretty close group of girls and there are 20 girls in her class, so we really didn't want to leave anyone out, but I wasn't up for a party for that many! Lexi picked Phoebe, Lauren, Mady, and McKenna. She wanted to go get pedicures and then go to dinner. I think she had a lot of fun doing that in second grade when I did that for her birthday, so she wanted to re-create it. After pedicures, I took the girls to Walgreens to pick out a nail polish (which was actually pretty crazy and they were doing cartwheels and covers and wanting every color in the store!), and then we ate at Lexi's requested favorite place, Panda Express. It was a really fun night and the girls were really cute together!

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