Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Halloween 2014

This year, Halloween was a little different. No one really planned what they wanted to be with much effort. There was some talk here and there of different ideas. Lexi had briefly thought about being Elsa from frozen. Otherwise, their hearts were not set on anything in particular. Jordyn casually decided on Dorothy from Wizard of Oz. She had mentioned it, but I did not want to spend money on a costume. Kmart puts their costumes on extremely good sales and so I had Tucker take the girls there and Jordyn found this costume for $10. It worked great, and we took a pair of her black church shoes that almost don't fit her, and I spray painted them red, and then sprinkled tons of red glitter on top and they were the perfect shoes! Pey picked little red riding hood, so that was easy. But Lexi was so indecisive that she still did not know what she wanted to be 30 minutes before we were going trick-or-treating!! It was totally driving me crazy, I was trying to help her with every idea possible. Somehow, I don't even remember how, Lexi ended up pulling out an apron and said something about being a cook or a baker. I said great! I found an old pillowcase quickly stapled it into a bakers hat, stuffed it with plastic bags...and poof! A costume was born! It was fun to have Jordyn's best friend Nataly join us, as well. Trick-or-treating is not terribly huge in our neighborhood, so we got trick-or-treaters for a while and I passed out the candy. I will admit that it is not my favorite thing at all. Tucker took the girls out trick-or-treating for a little while, and then they came back and passed out candy. It was very casual, but I think the girls had a good time.

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