Saturday, November 29, 2014


Before and after!!! 

We have had our couches for 12 years. We bought them when we moved to Kingsburg. They were $500 each, and made of microfiber. We were very intentional when we picked those out. We knew we would have babies and lots of little ones all over them, and we wanted them to be very easy to clean and very durable. For the most part, the couches served their purpose and each of those ways and really worked well. It's strange to think how many things those coaches have been with us through. I laid on those while pregnant and sick, every baby learned to walk by holding onto them, they have had lots of animals on them....etc. but lately they have become a total eyesore for me. They just are one of those visual things that clutter my brain. 

So I landed at the airport after my Oprah weekend, and realized it was totally within my control to fix this particular mental block! It's really easy to put buying new couches low on the priority list because, let's face it, they still work even when they are gross! But I figured that I need all the positive energy that I can get, and if this would help my home flow better, it would be worth it. So I texted Tucker and asked him to bring the girls up to Fresno and meet me at the furniture store. Luckily he is used to my crazy ideas. We browsed around and picked out the perfect set for us! They had 12 months same as cash and no tax financing. It was like a dream come true! And we all truly love them.

The other good part to the story...we decided to put the couches out in front of our house early Saturday morning when people are out garage sale hunting. I was embarrassed to do that, but I knew it would get the most exposure. Well, eventually our neighbors were out there looking at our couches and I got embarrassed because I swore they were going to come up and tell us to please move them because they looked ugly out there! Instead, they told us about the single mom they know who needed couches desperately. They were so thrilled to be able to give them to her, and it made us feel so good to pass them on to someone who could use them.

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