Saturday, January 02, 2010

Our Christmas.....Eve and Day

Christmas Eve

A nice, relaxing day. We stayed home this year and since we'd already had a big she-bang at my parents' house, we decided on a fun evening with the McLeods. After mulling over some BBQ at home, ordering pizza....Lindy and I decided on a possible new tradition: In-N-Out! No mess, hassle free! So we took the kids to In-N-Out for some burgers and came home to chill.

We made cookies for Santa. I pretty much let the kids do it ALL. They had a great time! And then they played the Wii for a bit (thanks to Mike for bringing his since we don't have one yet....which Jordyn really thinks is strange).

And then the traditional jammies from Gam. She sent them home with us from Thanksgiving....and we promised we'd be back to celebrate some post-Christmas fun with our family in we didn't take any other gifts home. Luckily we DID grab these because plans changed and we didn't end up going to UT.

Anyway, the girls looked so cute in their home-made pajamas from Gam. What a special tradition!

Here's a shot of the excited crew coming down the hallway to see what Santa brought!!

Santa always leaves a letter for the girls. This year, he even included a photo on it! Peyton is doing the forbidden act of holding "Elfie" our Elf on a Shelf friend. All month long, Elfie leaves at night to go report to Santa on how the girls were behaving and when they wake up in the morning, he is in a different spot. Oh how they LOVED finding him each morning! But the biggest rule is he can never be touched. Or else he'll lose his magical powers! The girls were SO good about keeping this rule. Once Christmas morning came, and Elfie was done with his job for the season, they were able to touch him and hold him for a bit!

Some of the fun things the girls got this year....Heelies, mp3 players, Razor scooters, a big white board, the game Guess Who, a finger puppet theatre, boots, and a Hello Kitty water dispenser and Gumball Machine.

At school, the girls get to do a shopping day where they bring a few dollars and shop for gifts for their family. I love letting them do this. I'm cheap and only give them one dollar per family member (it adds up!), but it's fun to see what they come up with. Lexi and Jordyn both got eachother the exact same lollipop! And they also both got me the same candle! They got a big kick out of that coincidence.

Here are the girls with their "Christmas Day Outfit" from Grandma and their Heelies (the shoes with a wheel in the back, which are hard at first, by the way!) And Tucker with his neck massager and new shirt. I got him a few shirts, a Blu Ray copy of Star Trek and this neck massager. He got me a beautiful tree shaped jewelry holder, a watch and a purse! We didn't over-indulge in gifts this year. Money is not in abundance this year, but our Christmas season was wonderful despite the fact.


Unknown said...

Ryan got me the same jewelry holder ha! I also got it for Julie from AVA!

britt said...

first of all, I am soooo sorry you were so sick for Christmas! Must have put such a damper on that day, but I am glad you got that shot that seemed to work wonders!
Second, where did you get heelies? My kids haven't shown much interest in them, but Kaipo has mentioned wanting the shoes with skates in them, so I may consider it for his bday next month?!
hope you are doing better and good luck with the long term sub job :)