Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hooray for Short Weeks!

Mrs. Robinson/ Mrs. Maxfield's Class

Quite possibly I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

What's been hard:
  • There are a couple kids in my class who literally should NOT be in kindergarten. They are PRE-pre-school, seriously. They are making me want to pull my hair out and are really ruining it for the others. Then, what makes me feel bad is I feel like a horrible teacher for not being able to "fix" it.
  • My house is a bomb. Two parents working full-time equals NO ONE doing the home-duties.
  • Keeping up with my own childrens' homework, projects, dance and piano.
  • Having just normal, fun family time. (we really try to do this at dinner, at least some good conversation)
  • Eating healthy. All this stress makes me want to binge.

What's made it even harder:
  • ALL DAY KINDERGARTEN! Should literally be illegal. That mixed with NO help or aides. Mixed with 25 kids. Whew.
  • Speaking of all day Kinder....this whole week has been RAINY DAY. Which means hardly ANY break for teachers!
  • Having a psychotic three year old. Peyton throws tantrums at everything. Won't do ANYTHING she's asked. And changes clothes 40 times per day, which means there are clothes in every corner of the house.
  • I have NOOOOO time. No time for myself, or to research teaching tips on the internet, or to clean my house. I guess it's the life of the working parent. Weekend are precious. (I just wonder if this is really how I could survive forever.)
  • Tucker has been so busy doing to diff businesses, and I'm gone from it feels like no one is "manning the house". NOT how it should be.
  • Emails from our Superintendent stating the DIRE circumstances of our district - financially.

The Blessings in Spite of it All:
  • I'm not in Haiti (bless those souls).
  • Someone literally almost backed over Jordyn in the dance class parking lot today. I watched and screamed in my car (no use) and somehow (angels) the trucked stopped just in time. Thank you LORD!!!
  • My parents are able to help with Peyton so much! And even my prego sister too! Family is the best.
  • My children are kind, well-behaved and quick learners at school. (Whew! What a relief as a parent AND a teacher).
  • We have a warm home in the pouring rain.
  • Eventually, night time will come, the children will nestle in their beds....and there will be momentary peace.


Something cute:
Pey was V.I.P. at preschool recently (Very Important Person). Here she is showing her Zhu Zhu pet at school. Looking so cute and shy!

Something funny:
Check out this package. Tucker's parents were so kind to send us Christmas gifts since we didn't make it to UT this year for the holidays. But where else than a SMALL town could you receive a package with no address? LOL. We got a good laugh out of it!


Unknown said...

I can't believe you got the package! That is so funny. Just keep swimming that's what we do- we swim,swim! (I keep telling myself this at least)

britt said...

I have been thinking about you A LOT lately and wondering how you were holding up...barely!!! it sounds like. I know things are not ideal and how you would like them to be, but it will get easier and you will endure SOMEHOW!! hang in there. I so wish I was closer and could offer some assistance, but luckily you have family so close to help out. good luck!!

Shana and Derek said...

The challenge of two working parents. . .I could not relate more. And I'm only dealing with one child. I regularly wonder how people are successful at that life. I don't have the answer yet. As soon as I find it, I'll be sure to let you know. :) Hang in there!

Eliza2006 said...

That package is SO funny!
For kicks you should try to do all you're doing right now AND put your house on the market...good times!

K Western said...

Peyton looks so cute and that's crazy that you were able to get your package! Hang in there with your BUSY life. Somehow you're getting through it. It's probably very helpful to write it down so it's not all swimming in your head. You are so good at putting your thoughts into words. I wish I could be closer to help out.

The Royalty Family said...

I have to laugh because I am so looking forward to all day kindergarten for Cameron. I don't think kids need to be going to school all day at that age, but it is the norm around here and C has been so hard the last 4+ years, I need the all day program. And, you are not alone, C and H never do what I ask and H is at the stage where she is always changing clothes. It drives me nuts! Hang in there!