After Christmas I squeezed in an opportunity to drive up to Northern Cal and visit Shana and Tara. They live about 90 minutes apart, so I got about a half a day with each of them, but I loved every second of it!
First stop was Shana. She's in between homes right now and staying in a small place, so I just took Peyton with me on my adventure. Plus, I didn't want to overwhelm Shana and Derek with three wild kids when they're used to one baby! ha ha
Our visit was short, but wonderful. Having been friends for over 20 years, Shana feels like family to me. She holds a piece of my history and I love that our friendship has lasted. It's fun to welcome Shana into this adventure we call "Motherhood". She likes to pretend I have some wisdom in the area and trusts my limited advice!
It was fun to have Peyton play with baby Maren. They had a great time. Looks like you better get going on that sibling for Maren, Shana!
After my fun time with with Shana, Maren and Derek, I headed down to Stockton to see Tara. Tara recently moved home to Stockton with her three cute kids and I wanted to catch up on life and see her new house. After 31 years of friendship, Tara and I are absolutely family and there is not a phase of my life she is not connected to somehow. For such a short visit, we managed to fit a lot in by staying up till 3:30 am talking (something we learned from years of seeing our mothers do the same thing!). I cherish our friendship so, so much.
Before I headed back home, we stopped by her parents house. The Heinzens' house is a huge part of the grain of my childhood. Even down to the wallpaper, I can almost smell the memories and see them as if they were still in motion. It was so fun to see them for a bit!
I was absolutely mesmerized, yet again, by her dad's engineering skills. He built a zip line in their back yard and it was so fun to ride it....both for a three year old and an almost 33 year old!
Priceless memories!!
This is such a sweet post Jay, thank you! I'm so glad you were able to come up too. I love that we have known each other for almost 32 yrs. I was 13 mo when my parents walked into church and met your mom, both moms holding skirmy little girls. I love you so much! It's my turn to drive ALLLLL the way down to visit you next time. :)
what a fun trip for you!!
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