Friday, December 18, 2009

Pey's Weekend Trip to the Hospital

Last Friday night, Pey's cold had taken a turn for the worse. I stayed home from our ward Christmas party with her, and watched her breathing. It worried me.

After a few hours of deep retractions, I decided we should go to the hospital. I'm not normally a "run to the dr." kind of girl, but I knew we had nothing at home that could treat her breathing issues.

Come to find out, her oxygen levels were low (satting in the 80's), even after breathing treatments and so they decided to admit her. It sounded both relieving and annoying. Not exactly what we'd planned for a busy Saturday in December!

So Tucker and Pey spent Friday night in the Selma Hospital.....with hardly any sleep. I came to relieve him in the morning and spent the day with Peyton. It wasn't too bad and I could tell she was feeling better by the afternoon because she was running around like a maniac. After all the x-rays and testing, they determined it was Bronchitis (no RSV or H1N1). They sent us home with some albuterol and oral steroids to open her lungs.

Cough and congestion lasted all this week, but her breathing has been better. So glad Pey Pey is okay!


Unknown said...

So not fun- Luka is getting his tonsils out on the 8th and has to stay in the hospital over night due to his sleep issues. Ryan will stay with him since he is the "preferred" parent for him right now.

britt said...

SCARY! But glad to hear she is doing better.

Jill said...

So glad she's ok!