Thursday, December 03, 2009

Better Day

While none of the things which are stressing me out have disappeared yet, I had a great experience this morning!

(I hope I can really remember it now. My memory is a bit clouded by the intense, chaotic and crrraaaazy night we had with the kids.)

For the past 7 years I have been a part of "Harmony". That is a total of 14 performing seasons, but I've missed out on two of for being really sick and prego with Peyton and another while I was student teaching. And I'll miss a third season this spring since I'll be teaching full-time.

As a kid, I saw my mom in various singing groups from the time I was maybe three years old? She then started Harmony in 1987 (right mom?) and she made the commitment look easy and fun! It wasn't until I joined Harmony in 2003 that I realized the sacrifice it takes to be in it.....but the rewards are oh so sweet.

This is our Christmas performance time. And it feels crazy! Loading equipment & props, organizing babysitting, gathering at 8:30 am, remembering words, smiles & choreography.... and singing in smelly convalescent homes!

(a common view of our audience)

But the sweet blessing it is to see these precious elderly and/or handicapped people smile as they hear the beautiful music. To see those who never speak try to sing along. Or to learn that a non-responsive patient tapped their toes to the beat. To see their eyes well up with tears as they recall their own memories as we sing. And to see them beam with delight seeing some of the babies we bring with us.

(see the cute old woman helping us "drive" our sleigh? we love audience participation)

I love this little old woman. She is 100 years old!!! She is absolutely sharp as a tack. I mean, so spunky and totally with-it. She is very inspiring and I love singing with her.

This sweet gal was glowing with happiness because we let her hold the baby doll (baby Jesus prop). I mean, she was cooing at it and caressing at it. Smiling and hugging it like it was real. And to her, it was! Made me want to go buy her a baby doll. What a simple thing, but it made her day!

As I'm singing to these places, I reflect a lot on life. My life now, my life in the future, both my grandmas' lives and just the circle of life overall. I am thankful for these types of experiences. Yet another example of reaping the blessings of work and sacrifice!


britt said...

that does sound like such a rewarding experience! I loved the lady who got to hold the baby :)

ps your hair is getting long. It looks really good!

Beth said...

This post makes me cry! I look back on my harmony days so fondly, and wish I could of had more.

Melvin and Carly said...

Ah, Harmony. So stressful at times but the responses of the audience make it worth the trouble. Miss all of you ladies!