Friday, December 18, 2009

Part of Why I'm a Walking Tornado

Challenging your creative self is key to keeping your spirit alive. I believe this whole-heartedly. I also believe we can do this several different ways.......and it changes for each season of life.

I've really enjoyed being challenged creatively lately in several ways. Number one, teaching does that to me mentally for sure. I have to be mentally creative constantly.

But selling things at Trinkets & Treasures challenges me creatively in a crafty way. I've been challenged to tap into an artistic side I was scared to go too far into before. And it's been FUN! And....the bonus is that my stuff is selling!

BUT, the consequence is an excessively messy car, house and mind. I am cluttered and disorganized all over the place. This is NOT how my brain functions best at all, so it's really been a challenge for me to learn how to endure and/or change.

It's also giving me additional stress knowing that I won't be a good teacher if I carry that chaos into my classroom! Augh, HELP!

(I blinged this pair of converse a few days ago for a Jr High girl)

(Tip: I make samples to put in the store so people know what they CAN order....but I make them with the intention of giving them to someone I know Jordyn!)

(Doing LOTS of vinyl on wood)

(Painted her white bulletin board to spice it up)

(Custom name....would have looked better hung in an arch, but the 7 year old's opinion trumped mine)


Unknown said...

So fun- and so lucky you live where you do- lots of people haven't seen that stuff and want it. It is so over done here. I have some cool new ideas if you are interested.

Jamie and Family said...

Katie, you hit the nail on the head! I could never compete in UT (or want to) but here it's all fresh and new. I totally want your ideas! I know could be doing so much more, but too little time to do it all!