Monday, September 14, 2009

FAQ's.....and other fun facts

Are you teaching this year?
Not officially. I am subbing here and there for now. But in January, I get to teach for 13 weeks STRAIGHT! I've been asked by a Kindergarten teacher here in Kingsburg to do her long-term maternity leave subbing. I'm gearin' up for a wild ride!

What does/will Peyton do during the day?
She is with me all day right now. When I sub full-time, she will do a few days a week in pre-school. Luckily, Tucker is working from home so he is fairly flexible and we can tag-team a lot. But every SINGLE morning Peyton asks when she can go to school! She likes to be on-the-go!

Has Tucker found a job yet?
Well, yes and no. He stopped officially looking after a few interviews and 100 applications and decided to start a business. Watch Me Draw! is an after-school drawing program for elementary kids. His friend Alex graciously helped us start an extension (of sorts....we're mostly independent from him) of his So Cal program. He hires art teachers, trains them and oversees all the classes. Seems to be well-liked so far and we are in 14 schools in the area. We're not rich yet, by any stretch of the imagination, but we see some positive potential in the future.

Are you guys gonna try for that boy?
Hmmm, don't think so. We're feeling pretty satisfied with our three girls. Never say never, but no plans at the moment for more.

Is Peyton totally potty trained?
Mostly. Still in diapers for nap/bed. Nearly accident-free now during the day. But we still have to be aware of it.

Are you (Jamie) done with school?
Teaching credential, yes. Overall? probably not. There is a Master's program available at approx 20 schools in the country which offers an Orientation & Mobility certificate along with a Master's in Visual Impairment. I'm interested in that because it would give me more of a niche (plus I want to be like Tiffany ;-). Plus the government pays for most of it. So we'll see. There is one in San Francisco that I could do mostly via distance learning from here. And one in Illinois that is 100% free that tempts me. We could do a little year jaunt in Illinois! Anyway, it's all just thoughts for now, and plans will evolve in due time.

Do you feel on top of your house and laundry?
Nope. Never. Thanks for asking.

What do you most crave?
A day at an all-inclusive spa. And regular (non-diet) Pepsi.

How do you feel about the internet?
I have a love/hate relationship with it. I LOOOOVE finding information about ANYthing I want. I LOOOOOVE keeping in touch with people and getting ideas. What I don't like is the time I can waste online....and I also don't like when I get caught up in comparing myself with the amazing things other people can do. I try so hard not to do that, but inevitabley it happens. I'm sure many can relate.

What are your callings/duties at church?
I am now the 10 year-old's Primary teacher. And Tucker is now the Sunday School President plus the 11 year old scout leader.

What is your most favorite recent purchase?
Three wonderful books for my girls. Recommended ages 9+ but never too early to teach them basics about this stuff, in my opinion.

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click here):

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britt said...

THAT was a fun post to read. SOme things I knew and others were new info to me. I really should check out those books. You are right, its never too early to have these kind of talks!

Beth said...

Okay, so we got the 3 books today in the mail. I hardly had a chance to look at them, Lindsay was SO excited to read them.

Eliza2006 said...

Fun post! Most people want to be like me (I burst into laughter when I read that) and I, too fall into the trap of wishing I could do it all (like people portray on their blogs). So instead of trying to do it all, I do nothing while I sit on the computer (definitely a love/hate relationship)!

(go to won't regret it!)

Unknown said...

I think I might get Savannah those books for Christmas- thanks for the idea.

K Western said...

Thanks for the info! I have the same relationship with the internet. Love it but I can also waste too much time on it.
I'll have to get those books. It's crazy to think I now have three girls and will have lots of emotions to deal with. Let me know what you think of them.