Thursday, September 24, 2009

Boys Weekend - Go Chargers!

Tucker and Mike (our bro in law) love to talk sports. They are passionate about it and unfortunately, Lindy and I don't speak that language. So I'm glad they have each other. Last weekend, they organized a boys weekend down to San Diego to attend a Chargers football game. After a 5 hour drive, an eye-opening jaunt to downtown San Diego and a night in a semi-scary hotel, they were geared up for the game on Sunday afternoon.

After arriving and waiting in line....only to learn that their bags surpassed the limit by ONE inch. ONE stupid inch!! Tucker let Mike go into the stadium (it's his favorite team) and Tucker took a walked about 45 minutes....back to their car, which was parked at the hotel. The options were to throw two Camelbaks away, or go back to the car. So Tucker arrived back to the game just before half-time! And after getting over some real angry feelings toward the stadium staff....Tucker ended up enjoying himself!

They found a Fuddrukers to eat at after the game, which also soothed Mike a little over the Charger's loss. All in all, they had a fun weekend!

And now Lindy and I are wondering what weekend get-away we should plan with each other so they can return the favor :-)

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