Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lexi's Field Trip

Last week Lexi's Kindergarten class had a "transportation" field trip. Tucker was able to go with Jordyn's class last year, and then again with Lexi this year. Here's Lexi with her class.

Mason, Elias, Ruby and Lexi

I love this picture because the boy on the left is Lexi's friend Daniel. He is such a nice boy and Lexi always tells me that she plays with him, even when no one else wants to. She has such a sensitive little heart.
I'm so glad that Lexi loves Kindergarten so much. She absolutely loves her teacher. Last week, Mrs. Donabedian had to miss two days. Lexi came home sad and said "I was grumpy today because Mrs. Donabedian wasn't there". It's incredible the important role that a teacher can play in the lives of their students!


Tara said...

such a tender heart, I love that story of her kindness to her classmate. And I love how she is a mini-Tucker with their smiles. It's fun for me to see the train, brings back memories of my train rides to your house. Good old Amtrak.

Beth said...

I guess I will allow Lexi to have another boy friend. Bless her little tender heart! As long as she keeps her heart set on being Gabriella thurston one day! Lindsay asked jacob who he was going to marry yesterday. she of course knows the answer but loves hearing his response anyway. he always responds a quick lexi with a huge jacob smile.