Sunday, February 15, 2009

Why is it?

....that the few days before my period, I can literally (and I mean literally) eat anything and everything in sight - especially if it's unhealthy - and have absolutely no limits?

It's bad. I think I gain 10 lbs and then spend the rest of the month trying to recover. Only to start the cycle over (and over and over).

Blasted hormones!


britt said...

Oh I feel the SAME way!!

julie said...

I do the same exact thing! I hate it :)

Tabitha said...

LOL! I have not had to feel that way for a while... But instead I get to get rid of an extra 50 I didn't want on my body after the baby is born. So feel happpy with you 10 lbs!

Katie said...

life is cake and do Tae Bo, or just chase your girls around the house.

Tara said...


*I just broke down and ordered P90X "10 min workouts". We will see if it's more effective for the rest of the month before the madness begins all over again. :) Right now I feel like a ravaging garbage disposal for anything edible.

Melvin and Carly said...

At least you can blame it on the hormones! I eat anything and everything unhealthy all month long for no good reason other than I have no self control!