Friday, February 27, 2009

My Memory is Failing Me

So, when I was in 5th grade, I ran for school secretary. Who knows why? I can't even remember why. I think some of my friends were doing it, and it sounded fun. The strange parts are a) I was new to the town and school, and b) I was really shy.

But the most memorable part for me is my speech. My dad also ran for an office in his elementary school, and my speech was derived almost word-for-word from his rhyming speech. (as a little ten year old, that made it even extra special).
Here is the beginning of my speech. I have it saved somewhere, all hand-written in my young hand writing.
My name is Jamie Blasco, as some of you may know.
I'd like to be your secretary, to help our school to grow.
If you elect me, you can be sure
that things will be even better than they were!
And here's the funny part. Somehow, my memory has failed me and as long as I can recall, I've had the memory that I lost that election. Until I saw this picture.

So, I was at a function last week where I was able to see the newspaper clipping from October 1987. And guess what? I WON, and I served as the secretary that whole year! Strange, huh? Now that I see this, I recall it very vaguely.
But I'm only 31. This is sad. And it makes me want to keep on with my blogging so I don't keep letting the details slip from my mind!


britt said...

memory is an interesting thing. QUinn has an incredible memory. He can remember EVERYTHING from his childhood and beyond, and is constantly recalling memories and stories. Me, on the other hand, can only remember minimal things. Hopefully my kids inherit their DADS MEMORY and not mine!
I LOVED that picture :)

Unknown said...

so funny! I vaguely remember that- I find that if I see a picture of something my memory returns easier. And- I really find it interesting how my sister and I remember such different things about the same event or memory. This- once again is another supporting reason to keep up on our blogs- it keeps the memories alive and there for our kids:)

Shana and Derek said...

OK. . .just catching up on your blog and ran across this. Shocking. . .And Derek got a good laugh. I remember leading the pledge of allegiance at assemblies and being terrified to do it.