Saturday, February 07, 2009


The girls know that Saturdays are our chore days. They have other small jobs throughout the week that we (recently began) give them $1 per week allowance for doing. Those are jobs like checking animal's food, keeping the front door area clean of shoes, clearing the dinner table and making sure their bathroom stays picked up. But Saturdays we try to tackle their play room (sometimes I just shut the door because I can't handle it), their rooms, I mop all the tile, etc...just more of a thorough cleaning.

Today was that sort of day. I'm posting pics of our "clean" house more for posterity sake than because I think it's anything brag-worthy. This is pretty much as good as it gets, folks!

Throughout our chores, it's Peyton's job to run around the house naked (or so she thinks!). I hate to embarrass her, but since our blog is private....I had to include her streaking down the hallway!

And, of course, there's nothing better than playing with playdough....naked.

Then, when the house was clean enough, we moved on to Valentine Cards. I'm still trying to figure out why I thought it sounded easier to do home-made ones amidst everything else. But I had lots of scraps to do it with, and they thought it sounded like fun! It actually went fairly smooth (plus it helped that Pey was napping)!

By mid afternoon, the kids needed to get out of the house. Tucker had an idea to take them to a Frisbee Golf course. They have one in a nearby town, and it's free, so they had a little outing in our version of cold weather (low 50's).

Aren't these girls cute? If I do say so myself?

And now the day is done and here I sit. Feeling way more tired than I used to at 10:30 pm. Wishing I didn't have to teach a lesson at church tomorrow. And wondering when I'll get out of this funk I've been in this past month. Wish me luck.


Eliza2006 said...

I loved all of the pics of your house. From the description of your day, it doesn't sound like you're in a funk. I, however, am officially in a funk...and the proof of this is that we sat in the house the entire day and did nothing yesterday. I've been grumpy and tired and I start work tomorrow, so that ought to compound things even more. Hopefully when it's warmer than the 30's, I'll get up off my butt and walk out the door. Your day sounded very fun. Too bad we didn't live closer, I'd have sent Eliza over for the day!

Jill said...

You house looks fab! I don't ever it all of my house cleaned at one time, so it never feels clean. I understand about the funk. I'm barely feeling myself coming out of mine. It just has to be January, doesn't it? Lack of sun? Who knows...but you are not alone!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

The house looks great. I can't wait until my kiddos are old enough to do chores and get it. I think its awesome that you made handmade Valentine cards. Very cute and it will be a great memory. I made some with my mom one year and I loved it. I still remember it fondly today.

I totally can relate to the funk- I think it's from being exhausted and not having a moment to myself. I also think it's the weather/season. Winter stinks!!! Can't wait for Spring!! I hope hope you feel better soon :)

britt said...

Way to go! You are such a magnificent mom, homemade cards and all. I didn't even think of that idea (Ame would have LOVED it), and yet I don't think I would have done it even if I did. You are incredible amist all the EXTRA business of your life!

Tara said...

What a wonderful productive and fun day!!! Good for you! Josh keeps complaining and asking if we "can PLEASE have just ONE day without cleaning!". Poor guy, and even with all the "cleaning", I have not seen my bedroom look as nice as your in, maybe, oh 4+ months? You are amazing! You are doing such a good job, I can't believe everything you do! I wish I could pass some sleep to you, sleep that doesn't take up any time, but still makes you feel rested. :) Have you had your lab work done lately? I don't want to nag, but I can't tell you how much better I feel inside, emotionally, more energy I have, etc, now that my iron, b-viatmins, hormones, are all up. You never know, you might be low in something, and getting it up might make a difference in how you feel, your patience level, mental focus, etc. Just a thought from your loving and nagging friend who worries about your health. :) love you tons and I think of you often!

Tara said...

oh, one more thing. If you do go and get labs, and find you are "in range", but just on the low end of normal, take that seriously and don't leave the doctors office until they give you whatever you need to get whatever you are lower in, up in the "high" range. One doctor told me so many people just feel "off", when their levels are within the healthy range, but just on the low side, and once they adjust that, (particularly B vitamins and iron), they feel so much better, not depressed, not so exceptionally tired, etc. I thought that was interesting, and something a lot of doctors pass over. :)
Ok, I'm done with the unsolicited advice....for now. :) love you!!!

Beth said...

If every room in my house was clean at the same time it would be picture worthy! I'm impressed. Your play room looks so cute. Peyton's hair is turning into Jordyn's thickness. It's amazing. How can you resist the naked pictures when her little self is so precious. Green is a good color for Lexi. I never realized her eyes were so green. i want to jump in the car and see you guys in your territory. i can't believe I haven't been to your house in so long.

Melvin and Carly said...

I agree with Beth - if every room in my house were clean at the same time, I'd take pictures too! Then again, my house isn't nicely decorated like yours, so even clean it wouldn't look as nice. Want to come help me out with that? :)

*Jessica* said...

I think it's a great idea to take pictures of a clean house, then you can go back and be like, "I knew that we cleaned once in a while. My kids(Tayte and Payge) had to clean all Sunday night and have now been forbidden to play with any toys for a week.(I have family coming) They are only aloud to play outside or computer. Sometimes you just need a break from cleaning!

Chris Grover said...

if i could have someone come and make my house clean like that every day, i would be in heaven! there is nothing like having a clean house -- and yours looks great! love the valentine's too -- such a great idea! where do you find the energy, woman!?! i hope you are feeling better soon, jamie. you have so much on your plate right now, so don't be too hard on yourself! you are doing an AMAZING job with everything and i mean that. love ya!

K Western said...

Wow! Such a clean house, even if it only lasts a day. I sometimes wonder why I try and clean, because it just gets messed up again.
Love the idea about the Valentine cards. I remember doing that when I was young. I'll have to remember that next year. I know Ashlyn would LOVE it!
I feel like I am seriously in a funk, and I'm not doing nearly as many things as you are doing. I think you're doing a really great job!