Saturday, February 21, 2009

Stake History Project

If you recall, last summer, I was asked to help with the big project of putting together the history of our church in this area of California (over the past 30+ years). It's been a huge project, and we are finally finishing with it as of tonight!!

In the past week alone, I've worked on it as follows (I have to record this for myself):
(last) Sat: 8 hours
Sun: 6 hours
Mon: 9 hours
Tues: 2 hours
Wed: 4 hours
Thurs: 7 hours
Fri: 8 hours
Sat: 5 hours
TOTAL: 49 hours in ONE WEEK

And on top of that, I spend 40 hours at school per week. So I haven't really slept this week. Or seen my family.

And that is not including the hundreds of hours since last summer. I'm sure if I had known what I was getting into, I wouldn't have accepted the challenge. My side-kick, Georgeanna Johnson, is 70 years old and she has done easily double the work I have on how can I complain?

Tonight we're presenting the one-hour video presentation and I'm really nervous. I hope technology doesn't fail us. But then it will be OVER! My poor kids and husband probably don't remember what I look like. I'm going to figure out a way to post the video for those who used to live in this area and would be interested in watching it (Clarks, Asplunds, etc).

As crazy and INSANE as all this sounds, I have felt an inexplainable amount of energy to complete this project, and there have been several miracles along the way. I believe this was an inspired project and there are people on the "other side" helping us in this historical effort. There is no other explanation for the many photos, dates, and tidbits of info that have randomly come our way over the last year.

I'm sure tomorrow I'll have a big crash and it will hit me how tired I really am. Then I vow to slow down a bit after that. (don't laugh)


Jill said...

Way to go Jamie! I'm so impressed that you did this project! I wouldn't even know where to start....hope everything went well!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

What an amazing feat!! This is a major labor of love. Can't wait to hear about how it all turned out!!

Beth said...

oh my, oh my. I'm more tired reading this! I would love to see it. You are amazing. I'm sure Sis. Johnson is so grateful for your talents.

Tara said...

WONDERFUL!!! I'm SO glad it's done too! I hope you are able to get extra rest this week. love you!

Eliza2006 said...

Congrats on being finished. I'd loved to see the video. Crawl in bed and sleep today!

britt said...

oh my gosh, just when I for a minute think my week has been busy all I have to do is read YOUR blog. Jme, how do you do it? I guess you said how, no sleep! Well hopefully things calm a bit for you. Take care of yourself (or try to anyway) I admire you for your drive, ambition and just you!!
love ya

Janessa Couch said...

OH MY GOODNESS! YOU DESERVE A VACATION! My mom said that you did a great job and it put her to tears!

Allan and Diane said...

You must run on HIGH OCTANE girl!! I am really excited to see your finished produce (video) if you figure out how to download. We would know so many of those good folks!!

Melvin and Carly said...

That is an insane amount of time! I don't know how you do everything! I bet it turned out fantastic.