Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend Kid Fun

Too tired to put many words......just think: pudding, neighbors dog, cousins, dancing, high school musical Soundtracks, bike-rides and 70 degree sun.

Good times.


K Western said...

Looks like your weekend was lots of FUN! I'm VERY envious of your 70 degree weather.

Eliza2006 said...

You can't understand how close I am to packing up my two children and driving to see you. 70 degrees sounds heavenly!

britt said...

oh what I wouldn't do to enjoy THAT kind of perfect weather! Sounds like a nice, relaxing weekend...just what you probably needed, huh?!
hope you are surviving. I am anxious to hear more stories, or just some updates on how its going (when you have a free moment that is)

Beth said...

feel the same latley. too tired to say many words. I really am jelous of that weather, like everyone else!

Melvin and Carly said...

Your girls are so cute! Looks like they had fun.

Janessa Couch said...

What kind of dog is that? It looks just like our goldendoodle. Very cute pictures.