Sunday, January 04, 2009

Let it SNOW!

My kids have been really obsessed with snow lately. They've asked every day "why doesn't it snow here Mom?" (at sea level elevation in California). They've seen it on T.V. and imagine it to be like fluffy cotton balls. I always try to explain to them how cold it really is and how wet it is.

This trip to UT, they finally got to experience it firsthand! They had a lot of fun playing outside in it, making snow-angels in it and trying to throw it (but it was too new and soft). And even though they had a lot of fun, they've announced to me that they'd rather live in California than Utah. Ha ha.

(Peyton hated the snow so much, that she stayed inside with Gam. She had to fight back tears just watching her sisters play in it because she hated it so much!)

The first time "Rosita" (Tucker's car's name) was covered with a blanket of snow!

Tucker and his Dad shoveling the walks the old-fashioned way.

1 comment:

Tara said...

last winter was a thrill for my kids too, first snow experience. This year, they missed Las Vegas a bit. It's fun to see "out of towners" kids going through the same feelings. :)