Sunday, January 04, 2009

Learning to Give

I so deeply want my kids to learn that it feels so much better to give than to receive. I'm sure that's a desire of most parents. But I often fear that I'm not doing enough to really have that sink in for them.

This Christmas, we were able to help give to a needy family. Lexi's Kindergarten class sponsored a needy family and sent home a list of things this family needed. I was excited because they had a little three year old I was able to gather many nearly-new items from our home to donate. Her teacher invited us to go along with her to deliver these items and I thought that would a great experience for the girls. So, after school, we helped load up the van and found their little ranch house in the country. Lexi, Jordyn and Lyric came with Tucker and I to join Mrs. Donabedian in the project. It was so sweet and the family was so grateful.

It was really hard to not laugh and feel embarrassed when Lexi could NOT stop plugging her nose and saying "Mom, it STINKS in here" (and it DID). I kept slyly asking her to stop, but she was literally gagging. Poor girl. Got her gag reflexes from her dad. I think she still learned a tiny lesson....even through the stinkiness!


Tara said...

You are so good Jay! I have yet to do anything like that, this post is a good reminder. What a wonderful experience for the girls, and you two as well as parents. Good job!

Eliza2006 said...

That is SO funny! Hey, when it stinks, it stinks!

K Western said...

I remember Ashlyn doing this when she was in kindergarten. Fortunately, the house we went to didn't stink too bad, but it was nice to be able to help a family in need.