Thursday, January 08, 2009

Student Teaching Begins

So, Monday is the day! I start my 18 week long job interview. For the rest of the school year, I will work full time, not get a penny (in fact be paying to do it) and be constantly critiqued. Whew! Makes me wonder why anyone would do it!

Luckily, I get to start at Jordyn's school, which is 100% 1st graders. Then I'll move to 3rd grade for the rest of the time.

What am I most nervous about?
  • Being really tired
  • Having enough clothes to "dress up" every day. Haven't done that in 7 years
  • Getting my kids AND myself out the door at 7:30 and being on TIME
  • Missing Peyton
  • Having to let go of some things (like the house) sometimes to survive this transition
  • Being so preoccupied that I won't have the energy for my own kids' issues
  • Following a strict schedule to stay organized
Wish me lots and lots of luck.


Tara said...

Good luck! I know you will do great!!! I'm facing something similar as far as juggling family time and work. I was told it's helpful to have daily schedules written out to the hour, just till the lifestyle change becomes more routien and integrated into the family's comings and goings. I have done that to an extent before, and it was great because the kids always knew what to expect at what time. I don't know if it will be too overwhelming to try and break the days down to the hour, but I hope it works, I'm giving it a shot. :) I will bet anything that once you get a few days in the classrooms under your belt, you will feel tons better, less worried, and more confident about your ability to keep life balanced. I'm not saying I think it will be easy, but I think if anyone can do this gracefully, it's you. Good luck!!! love you!!!

Unknown said...

You will do great. That is so good that you will be at Jo's school. What a blessing. You will get into the swing and you can survive anything for a few months right??

julie said...

You can do this! I know it seems stressful but once you get all the kinks of a busy schedule things always work out. I am starting to feel similar stress with school starting next week. I have 19 units next semester and I am starting to wonder how I am going to make it all happen successfully. Good luck!

Chris Grover said...

jamie, i am so excited for you, and nervous for you, and PROUD of you! seriously, what a HUGE jump to make and you will do amazing at it! somehow, when huge transitions come, you figure it out as you go and get in a routine, and it will all feel "normal" in no time! i'm excited to hear about your first day of school! and sooo glad that you get to be at jordyn's school! sending you all the luck in the world!

britt said...

YOU will make it work, because you are just so good at detail. Of course it will take some adjusting-BIG time, but after a few weeks of it (maybe even a week) it will not feel so scary or hard. I have a whole bin of clothes you could borrow, that I don't use, from when I was teaching. I know that doesn't help one bit bit does it...too bad you are soo far away huh!? Good Luck with everything. Change is hard, but rewarding too, but I know YOU already know that!
I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!!

kris said...

Hi Jamie,
Wow! Your student teaching is starting? I remember awhile back you told me you were nervous about it. PLEASE let me know if you need anything for the classroom (Stuff I could fax) I teach Kindergarten now but taught 1st grade for 4 years. I have TONS of resources and ideas! Good luck! You will do fine. It is just like anything else- Just need to get into a new routine and schedule. Let me know if I can help!! Kris in Maryland (

Melvin and Carly said...

Wow Jamie! How exciting yet at the same time stressful. You will do great. I bet Jordyn will like having you at her school for a while. I remember when my mom was doing her student teaching at the same elementary school I attended. It was comforting for me to know she was just down the hall! Good luck!!

Eliza2006 said...

Good luck! You are going to do fine. Sometimes I find that life runs more smoothly (in some ways) when I have a million things going on. You'll blink your eyes and student teaching will be finished. Love you.

Shana and Derek said...


You're going to be an amazing teacher. And I know you'll find a way to balance work life. It will be a challenge, but one I know you can tackle.

We're having opposite issues. I've started working from home and after one week, I'm going nuts being here. So, I'm having to figure out how to get out of my routine of going into the office.


Beth said...

I agree with all the comments! You will do fabulous. You have all the skills that you need and then some. It is great to start at a famililar place. You will be so glad to have it done. I would be terrified to be out the door by 7:30 with all my kids. You can totally do it though!

Jill said...

You'll do great! Can't wait to hear about it!

K Western said...

I know you'll be able to make it work. You are a wonderful mom and you'll be such a good teacher. The kids will love you. I wish you the best, especially that part of getting out the door, dressed, and ready to go by 7:30. Yikes!

Owen said...

Good luck.....a few days late!

Katie said...

YIKES! What a scary journey. I am sure you will do great. Good luck!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

I hope you had a great day today. Was thinking about your exciting day and hoping that you have a great class!!!