Monday, January 12, 2009

Meet the 1st Graders

My goal is to document my journey into student teaching because someday I won't remember these beginning experiences and feelings and it will all be "old hat".

Day one down!!

It was great, actually. I was up at 5:00 (supposed to be 5:30, thanks to Peyton for the head start...ha ha). I even rode the bike for 30 minutes and actually felt pretty good when I left with the girls at 7:35.

I feel thankful for the many experiences I've had in my adult life with children:
  • I've substituted for about six months
  • I've been in the Primary organization at church for over three years
  • I have three children of my own
  • I'm the oldest of 5 kids
  • I've volunteered for 1 1/2 years in Kindergarten and 1st grade with my girls
  • I had nearly a year of some great classes and field work

So there are many things that, through experience, now come more naturally for me. And instead of feeling intimidated by my Master teacher (like I may feel if I were 22 years old doing this), I feel a friendship with her. I also learned years ago from a previous boss the importance of not just doing a job well when asked to....but to be pro-active and initiating projects. So, I always try to apply that.

Today, I did lots of paper correcting, prep-work (copies, cutting etc), and helping the kids with their classwork. I will attend all the meetings with the teacher, and eventually I will teach lessons.

The kids are so cute. I love helping them understand new concepts. In first grade, they are still so eager to please and so willing to learn. Some of the girls were enamored by me and before they left to go home they said "Mrs. Maxfield, you are the best teacher". Then they said "Oh, and you're really pretty too". Awwww, isn't that cute!

I really like the teacher I'm working with. She's got lots of great ideas and is very willing to share them with me. It's also interesting to see how we're different. She's much more harsh than I am. I'm not a pushover, but I don't like to make the kids feel stupid or intimidated. Sometimes she would say (as the kids were on the rug) "I said SIT DOWN Jennifer!" really rudely. I would probably say something like "Jennifer, what did I ask you to do?" or give a warning like "Jennifer, if I have to ask you one more time to sit down, you will go to your desk.

Tucker is able to stay home with Peyton most of the time. He is working on starting a business (a topic for another time), so we've sort of switched roles for the moment. He had his first hiccup today. The school called me toward the end of the day saying "Mrs Maxfield, are you going to pick up Lexi?". It was 15 minutes after she got out of school! I was like WHAT?? Apparently, Pey had a poopy diaper on his way out the door, so he stopped to change it. I explained to him that pick up times are NOT negotiable! You drive out of the driveway at 1:40, poopy diaper or not! Ha! He learned. And, aside from that, is being a wonderful partner in all of this with me.

The highlight of the day was eating lunch with Jordyn. She came to my classroom and asked if I would eat with her. I thought and said "why not!". So I heated up my burrito and sat down at the cafeteria table with her and all the kids and ate! You would've thought I was a celebrity the way she and her friends looked at me eating there. It is so cute, this age. I am just soaking it up because someday it will NOT be cool for me to be on campus with her, I'm sure!


Melvin and Carly said...

That's awesome that you sat with the kids for lunch! Glad you had a good first day. Hope more are on the way!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

It sounds like you had a great day. I hope you have many more great days and that you will soon have that credential :) I think it's great that you are documenting your student teaching. It will be nice to look back someday:)

What a treat for both of you to eat together :)

Unknown said...

Don't get me wrong- I love my kids but I could NEVER be a elementary school teacher so you bravo to you. That is why I don't like my sunbeam teaching with all of my heart- but maybe I will have to do it forever to make me like it- who knows. I am glad you are enjoying what you are doing though- someone has to like it:)

Jamie and Family said...

Katie, if the first graders acted like sunbeams, I would run SCREAMING!! Ha ha

Actually, I'd rather teach third grade in the future, so I'm hoping to like my second half student teaching in 4-6 grades.

Chris Grover said...

whew -- aren't you feeling relieved that the "first day" is over?! it sounds like everything went sooo well and i'm so happy for you! not that there was ever a doubt that you would jump in and completely ROCK at teaching! i bet jordyn is in heaven with her movie star mom being around! sending you continued luck!!

britt said...

I have been anxious to hear about your first day. Of all people, I completely understand what you are going through and have been at that same first day, deer in the headlights kind of feeling, a number of times! But it sounds like the anticipation of the FIRST day is over and it only gets easier as the days go on. How fun to be at Jordyns school. Ame acts the same way when I arrive at her school each week. I would LOVE to teach at the same school as her someday, that is if I go back b4 she leaves elementary school.
Good luck (not like you need it, cuz you are already so awesome) and keep us posted as your journey continues :)

Beth said...

Your reallly doing it! I'm anxious to here the details, glad your documenting.

Janessa Couch said...

I wanted to be a 1st grade teacher when I went to Ricks but after helping in 1st grade class, I changed my mind. It was very stressful for me. I know that, like you said, since I have experience now it would be so much easier and I would absolutely love it. Enjoy each day because it will be over before you know it.

K Western said...

Congrats on your first day! Sounded like it went smoothly. Way to go getting out the door on time (even exercising!) without feeling frantic. I loved hearing about Tucker's experience with picking Lexi up and Peyton's poopy diaper. Some things are just higher priorities at different times throughout the day.
About the teacher, I was wondering if it's Ashlyn's teacher? She loves her new 2nd grade teacher and tells me how she talks so nice and never yells like her 1st grade teacher.

*Jessica* said...

I am glad everything is going so smoothly. Unfortunate for Tucker and the job, but I love that he gets to enjoy Peyton during the day. Good Luck!

Debbie said...

wow, jamie you have got a lot going on. i do not know how you do it all. you amaze me!