Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Easter 2011 - Part One

The day before Easter, we gathered at my Mom and Dad’s house.  We colored 5 dozen hard boiled eggs (look at those MESSY hands!).  Then my mom had Easter “presents” for them – goodie bags filled with all sorts of Easter basket goodies.  And we  also took pictures of the kids in her beautifully (yet again) coordinated Easter outfits (that post is coming soon) AND even Easter pajamas!  These are the sorts of fun traditions my mom loves to organize and I definitely appreciate the beautiful dresses…and memories!


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Easter morning at our house…after the Easter Bunny stopped by…

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1 comment:

MeQueen5 said...

Excuse me butt! Yes two T's

Comet and bleach worked miracles on the dye.

Can't wait to get the whole family jumping it the air photo shoot.