Thursday, April 13, 2006

Sick of Being Sick

Can I just complain for a minute? I'm just SO tired of being sick! ALL day EVERY day. It's like having the worst stomach flu, but still having to choke food down every two hours. Yuck. In NO way do I wish I WASN'T pregnant and this baby is very wanted, but I just don't know how much longer I can endure this constant nausea. I hesitate to post about it because I can't even begin to put it into words...saying "I feel nauseaus" does not even begin to describe it! Because my other two pregnancies were this same way, I KNEW it would be hard. But even though I expected it, it still didn't prepare me. Then on top of it, my kids have tag-teamed having fevers and tummy aches for the past three days. It should not be allowed to have kids get sick when the mommy is sick!!!

Tucker's Grandma Sealy emailed me a few weeks ago and said this: "I'm sure Heavenly Father will bless you as much as He can and still allow you to learn what you need to" (refering to my nausea). For some reason this impacted me. I have often prayed and wondered why He hasn't taken this from me, sort of forgetting that He is allowing me to learn something from this trial. In fact, if I don't, then it was pointless for me to endure.

I've had so many thoughts about this. I tell myself "this shouldn't be THAT hard, because you know eventually it will end AND you will have such a miracle from it". But for some reason, knowing that doesn't necessarily make each minute of each long day easier. And I can't just push it aside and "live with it" the way I did with my arthritis. That was painful and annoying, but I just learned to live around it. THIS, on the other hand, is impossible to "live around it" because it has stopped any "normalcy" my life may have previously had.

Whew, ok. So there's my vent. I think hitting the 6 week mark of nausea is causing me to get a little impatient. Thanks for listening! :-)


Eliza2006 said...

Someday when your kids are older (and acting like teenagers) have them give me a call so I can tell them what you went through to get them here! I can only understand to a very small degree what you are going through. At least my monster headaches only last a day...not months. Keep your eye on the prize!


Chris Grover said...

With as much as I absolutely HATE being sick at all, I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. Sometimes the appreciation for a trial doesn't come until long after the trial is gone -- maybe when you finally have your baby here?? Just know that you are loved and have lots of people rooting and praying for you. Hang in there!