Friday, July 18, 2014

Cousins and Summer- What else do you need?

Peyton and Paxton crack me up. They are like 8 months apart and really do get along so well. Not because they never disagree...but because they know how to deal with it and move on. Peyton's pretty spicy and Paxton handles it really well. 

Jordyn has been teaching them a duet for Grandma's birthday show and it's do funny to see how seriously they take it!

Playing Mario Kart.

Water balloons at Grandma's! She always comes up with such fun ideas.

Filling up water balloons! Can't believe these girls are entering that teenage world!

Oh Kylee! Such a character!

Throwing water balloons at the side of the house... Lots of little balloons to pick up!

Night swimming is so fun! Even when grandpa pretends he's getting electrocuted by the light when it turns on - sick sense of humor.

These kids have taken this dance/birthday show so seriously. They have practiced a ton. This is them watching old youtube videos of dances they've done in the past.

And here's my workspace next to them!

My parents dog, Rylee, is so fun and social and LOVES to be in the middle if all the craziness!

Jordyn took this last night as they were eating ice cream at 10 pm, she called it an "ussie" instead of a "selfie" lol.

Summer snd Grandmas house is synonymous with ICE CREAM!!!

I really should take more pictures of me and my parents and sisters. But here is a picture from Tucker at his conference this week. He's been gone five days, way too long! 

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