Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Poetry & Prose - Lexi

Speaking of Lexi discovering her talents, she also just completed performing in Poetry & Prose (which is just like Peach Blossom, but our second graders participate in this instead).  Last year, her first year in 2nd grade, she had NO interest in even trying out.  This year, she ROCKED it!  The poem they did was “Clarence” by Shel Silverstein.  It was her, Mabel, Kaley and Sam.  It was so cute and with a coach like Mrs. Stone, it was beyond perfect.  Voice fluctuation, pace, gestures, etc…had it all. 

For Lexi, repeating 2nd grade has been a big part of her confidence boost.  She has always been a confident little girl, but there is something noticeably different this year.  I always hear Mrs. Stone’s words in my head “if she doesn’t stay back, she’ll do fine.  but if she stays back, she will be an absolute leader”.  And I can see that completely with Lexi.

She practiced during school, after school and did an in-school audition where they chose 2 groups per class to send to the finals in Visalia.  Peyton and I got to watch them perform and be judged.  They did wonderful and, again, I was so proud of her continuing to develop her talents!  Great job Lexi!!!


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