Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Love My Random Posts


Watch Me Draw flyer time again.  I get to print and deliver all 5,000 flyers to the 9 schools.  Not always the most fun or convenient thing…but it does bring in supplemental income so it’s hard to complain.



I had to send Tucker to Costco last week because I had no time…and I just had to show two things he returned with that i would NEVER buy unless I was hosting a party or giving a gift.  Who leaves things like this around the house to snack on??  I need to make little gift bags to hand out.



I planted a lilac tree like two years ago and it is finally old enough to bloom the most fragrant and beautiful flowers! Every time I walk in the front door it makes me happy.



I seriously don’t know what Peyton will eat for lunch in the fall when she starts Kindergarten.  She is so hard to feed.  So the other day I had a brilliant idea to have her learn to make a sandwich…hoping she would develop a desire to actually eat one (she will not let them touch her lips!).  So I let her do everything, with my instruction.  She made one peanut butter/honey and one peanut butter/jelly.  I am sad to report it did not help the issue even 1%…but her sisters thanked her for the snack when they got home!



Then she wanted to cook some more so I let her help me make banana bread (loooove my bread pans from Jeannine years ago).  Little stinker – always crams as many chocolate chips as she possibly can into her little body during one cooking session.



Growing up, I lived far away from all of my grandparents and they were all amazing about sending cards (with money) for every birthday. It is a fond memory for me…and especially since my Mom Shirl (my dad’s mom) just passed away a few weeks ago.  She literally sent birthday cards out until her last few months of life.  So for 34 years straight I got a card from her…and this month will be my first birthday ever without a card and special letter from her.  So I had to put a picture of the birthday card from Gam & Pa (for Jordyn) because it reminded me of those special memories :-)



The girls got to try on their recital costumes to make sure they fit okay – had to snap this pic of Pey with Kayla.  Too funny!



Finally got my act together and made strawberry freezer jam again.  I usually make it every year, enough to span the year…and I must have not made enough last year because we’ve been out for months!  Yummmmm!



Last week, it RAINED and STORMED all week.  So I was dreading my drive to SF.  Imagine my surprise when…after the first half being a yucky, rainy drive…this is the type of beauty I entered as I neared San Fran!  Shana gets mad at me for snapping pics in my car while driving…but I couldn’t help it!!!

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We are in a stint where Tucker is gone to two back to back huge conferences…so we had ONE day together in two weeks (between both of our travels).  Poor guy…got roped into renovating our bunny situation during our only day home together.  He doesn’t love projects like this and definitely doesn’t get the same “high” as I do from these type of projects.  But he is really good at them once he gets past the dread phase.  He stuck with me for four hours of refurbishing old supplies to refresh our poor bunny’s living situation.  Now it’s cleaner and makes more sense!  Esp since I’m 99% sure we’ll have new babies in three weeks.  What prompted this was Brownie dug a hole through her chicken wire at the bottom of her cage and got out one night.  We weren’t able to remedy the situation until she and Oreo had spent three days together…having fun running around together.  Gotta get her fixed…it just costs so much and so few vets will even do it. 



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Today, I had a Dr. appt with Dr. Atwal in Fresno.  Pey was dreading coming because she wanted to go to a friend’s house, but once we were in Fresno and drove by Chili’s, that’s all she could talk about.  She LOVES Chili’s. Not because she really eats much…but there is just sentiment about it since it’s a family favorite.  I kept trying to give her other options…but finally told myself that you’re only little-hanging-out-with-mommy-for-a-short-time in life…and why not give her that little moment of bliss.  So off to Chili’s we went and she was happy as a cute little clam. 


1 comment:

britt said...

good mom you are!!