Thursday, April 26, 2012

Momm Shirl 1926-2012

Rarely, do you meet a person who you are certain doesn’t have the ability to be mean…EVER.  But that was my Momm Shirl.  A natural introvert who enjoyed her owDSC_2320n “space” and quiet time…she was one of the sweetest people you’d ever know.  You would never imagine she lived a life full of such trials because she chose to turn her life over to the Lord and always wear a beautiful smile.  It is a family joke that we don’t know how someone so sweet raised my dad and his sister Deane – major double trouble, only 10 1/2 months apart!

The last 18 months of her life were a physical struggle.  She lived with cardiac failure and lived for over a year longer than the doctors thought. She was more than ready to return to her Heavenly home.  She even had her funeral planned down to the very last detail!



Momm Shirl with my Dad’s Father (my Wello, Tony Blasco)

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I had a life-long, long-distance relationship with my Momm Shirl.  But it had it’s own special qualities to it.  One of the most amazing things about her is her consistency in letter writing.  For 34 years I received birthday cards, Christmas cards (with $20 until I was an adult…then she did it for my children!) and other random cards.  They ALWAYS had a typed page letter inside them.  ALWAYS.  She hated her hand writing, so they would be signed “I love you.  Momm Shirl”  But the letter would be typed on her type writer.  Occasionally, as I got older, I would send her a letter “just because”…and she would send me one back to thank me.  I loved when it would go back and forth several times.  She would always update me on all the latest family happenings from Anaheim.  I will miss that.


The funeral fell during a week where I could go easily and did not conflict with any school commitments.  I had been so worried about that all year, and I could not believe there were no conflicts.  What a relief.  I had anxiety about going to the funeral.  In theory, I hate funerals.  But I ended up having such a wonderful time with my family and loved every minute of it.  I know it was difficult for my dad, of course, and I’m so glad we could be there to show our love for him as well.


Jordyn really wanted to go.  The other two didn’t have as much of a connection.  But Jordyn had a definite desire to be there.  I think it was a great experience for her.  She and Lyric both came.  And Lindy and I thought we were being nice to sit in the back of the room during the viewing, to not scare them.  But they ended up asking my Mom to take them up there to see Momm Shirl’s body.  Don’t underestimate the braveness of children, I guess!


I am sooooo glad I took my camera.  When I don’t know what my role is exactly, I feel comfortable behind the lens.  I love capturing the feelings in a picture.  I didn’t see one other camera the entire time, so I think Momm Shirl was proud of me for taking over her role of capturing memories :-)  I think the pictures below tell their own story.  They are full of my cousins, Aunts, Uncles (or Tias and Tios), brother, sisters, and more.


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Nearly my whole family together…rare these days!

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Love my fireman cousin Ray Ray!

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I absolutely love listening to my Tio Ray sing with my cousin-in-law Diana, and my cousin Ray Ray playing the guitar.  They sing worship songs and everyone just sits around singing and enjoying the spirit

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