Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Double Digits! Jordyn Turns 10!!

Jordyn was vocally more excited about this birthday than any other than I remember.  She counted down and talked about it for months before.  Not because we really had anything planned, but I think 10 just FEELS different.  Definitely sounds different to Mom!  I just remember so much of the age of 10 on, I distinctly remember 5th grade as one of my most memorable school years, so to picture her entering that is just like a time warp to me.  I really love this age and stage for Jordyn.  She is helpful, smart and trustworthy…and I really cannot believe I’ve been her mom for 10 years!


She requested donuts for breakfast, so Tucker ran in the morning and got a dozen donuts from Tom’s.  Then we had invited two friends to go with us to John’s Incredible Pizza (like an ultra glorified Chuck E Cheese) for the afternoon.  Tucker got off work early and he and I took our three girls plus Abigail Lunde and Tori Valdez with us for some fun. 



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(She also requested lime green and black cupcakes/decor)



We spent about 4 hours at John’s Incredible Pizza.  The girls had a blast.  Neither friend had ever been and were blown away by the size of it, variety of games and variety of food at the buffet (which included all you can drink self-serve Icees! any kid’s dream).

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Then, back to our house for cupcakes and ice cream.  Lindy & Kids, and Grandma came over, too.  Oh…and presents!

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Jordyn’s three favorite gifts are the Rollerblades (from Grandma), the “J” cup (from Lindy) and the lava lamp (from Lexi)!



It was spring break, so we invited Tori and Abigail to have a sleep over too.  Girls slept from 12:30-6:30…yep.  Gotta love sleepovers!



We also had Lindy’s kids spend the night so she could leave at 6:00 am to go shopping at the LA market the next day.  So we had 8 kids sleep over!  It wasn’t too bad, but with the various bed times and various wake up times…Mom didn’t get a TON of sleep.  Good memories for the kids though!  I love the friends she has picked – they are sweet, respectful, fun, smart and kind girls.  I sure hope that stays!



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