Thursday, April 12, 2012

Jordyn (Don’t be mad!)

OK, so last week Jordyn and I had a little encounter that was short but more explosive than normal.  She had been pushing a certain button in me over and over, and I finally lost my cool.  So after she left the room, I was taking some deep breaths and continued on with the paper I was writing.  A few minutes later I noticed a new email.  It was from Tucker (who was at the office) and all it said was “So, how is your afternoon?”.  I though it was strange…until my eyes followed down to see more text below that.  I was surprised when I realized it was an email to Tucker from Jordyn…from like 1 minute previous!  She had left the room and immediately got on the other computer to email her frustrations to Tucker.  It took all my frustrations away and made me laugh.  Not only did I love the peek into her brain, but I loved how articulate she was in her email! 

She may not love this, but I HAVE to save this one.  Enjoy…


“Dad I was telling mom about my mission she did not understand what was supose to go in my packet that I had to do which is to put the things I have been doing into a little booklet and she thought that it was just surpose to be the front page, facts, and then bibliography and I said no but not in a mean way I said it like it was kind of funny that she did not understand. Then she got so mad and was about to slap me across my face but she didn't and she yelled at me and said to get out of her room really loud and she said that I could not go in Lexi's room and Emma was with Lexi and Ava was with Peyton. So I just got really mad and wanted to tell you even if it it is none of your buissness.”

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