Monday, November 01, 2010

Follow Me to San Fran


Before you worry about me taking pictures in the car, journey with me on a few highlights of my Monday trips to San Francisco.

I'm always scrambling around  on Monday mornings to print out last minute papers for class, to get the house semi-ready to leave, hang out with Peyton and usually doing something for Trinkets & Treasures.

I take Peyton to my mom and dad's around 11:00 or so. And then I'm off for a three hour drive! She gets so excited for her Monday's at Grandma and Grandpa's, and Jo and Lex get to come over after school until Daddy gets them around 6:00. They hardly notice I'm gone because they get something so fun in return!


I love my GPS. I really would be so confused without it! I also love XM radio. I listen to Oprah channel most the way! I get three hours of therapy…relationships, spirituality, current news topics. And even repeats of old shows to listen to. It’s great!


Takes me three hours, not including any little stops.

10.11 (13)

I always love when I get to this point. The air feels different and the houses are scattered up the hills as far as you can see.

10.11 (11)

My parking garage. Costs me $5 per week!

10.11 (8)

Didn’t get the best pics, but you can see me practicing three techniques in one. Foot sweeping, lower and upper arm shielding as I walk across a hallway. I spend six hours in class. First class is mostly lecture and brain overload (all about the eye, diseases, problems, diagnosis, etc). Second class is mostly practicum (like what I'm doing below) and we are partnered up and moving around with blindfolds a lot. That helps me stay awake.



I take a different route on the way home. I go home via the Bay Bridge, which takes me through Oakland and eventually to the 99 south a good portion of the way. I like being on freeways that late at night (10pm-1am) rather than highways and windy roads.

10.11 (6)

The view off the bridge that late is really pretty because of all the lights.

10.11 (7)

I pull in around 1:15 and am really ready for bed. But somehow I am always okay on the drive home. I mean, sure, I’m tired. But not “almost fall asleep at the wheel” type tired. I think angels are helping me :-). Well, besides my “family” angels who help me with my kids so I can even THINK of doing this! I need to have my mom chronicle their “day with Grandma and Grandpa" (and cousins) while I’m gone. No doubt they are not thinking of missing their mama when they get a fun afternoon out of the deal!


Bubbly Faces said...

I can't believe that you make this drive every week. You are super woman! Seriously.. very impressed

Jeannine and Neal said...

I loved this blog. Thanks for sharing a day with Jamie. Gives me a better insight into what your day is like.

britt said...

that was fun to read and see what your day @ school is like. Wow tiring though!! YOU are amazing!

Eliza2006 said...

That's a long drive! I drive the same amount to and from work, but I spread it out over M-F. Brings back memories to see you working under blindfold!