Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Tucker's First Triathlon!!

On September 26th, Tucker completed his first Triathlon! (by the way, I always thought the spelling was "triathalon" till this!). He worked really hard training for this goal for months! The event was at Woodward Reservoir, about two hours north of us, so we took the kids up the night before and had a good night sleep in a hotel.

He did a Sprint Triathlon, which means he did 500 yard swim, 16 mile bike, 5K run. Whew!

We were up at 5:30 (all of us) so we could catch a 6:30 breakfast and be at the reservoir by 7:00am! The girls were such good sports about the whole thing. Tucker was so nervous, he hardly ate anything. Maybe Lexi was nervous too because she threw up all over the back seat on the 10 minute drive to the reservoir. Yuck.

I wasn't sure what to expect. The girls and I hung out at the central point at which Tucker came back to after each event. So we were able to see him periodically. Here he is all ready for the swim (his least favorite part) in his wet suit!

The girls anxiously waited to see their daddy emerge from the long swim!

And here he is. Exhausted, but still having a lot to do after the swim!

A little transition and clothing change, and he's on the bike for 16 miles!

Overall, the girls did a really good job waiting. Next time, I'll bring some camping chairs though!

Caught a photo on part of his run!

Jordyn was filming as I was taking pictures. Look how proud they are of their daddy!

Here he crosses the finish line! 2 hours and 8 minutes later!

We are so proud of you Tucker!


Beth said...

Congrats Tucker. That is very commendable. Do you want to do it again?

Tucker said...

Yes, but I need to get better at the swim. I am thinking of doing a 10K run - then 1/2 marathon before my next tri. So I will have about a year to practice swimming :)

K Western said...

Wow! Congrats Tucker! What an accomplishment.