Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'm Three Years Old!

Hi! My name is Peyton Jean and I just turned three years old. I had the best birthday! Let me tell you 'bout it!

First, the day before my birthday, I was the luckiest girl in the world because my Grandma and Grandpa picked me up for a special day with them....all by myself!

I love getting in my Grandma's car! I felt soooo special and big! My Grandma and Grandpa took me to pick out my very own bicycle with training wheels! And then (get this) they took me to Chuck-E-Cheese's! I got to spend about 60 tokens all by myself! It was so much fun, that I fell asleep on the drive home!

The next day was my birthday. I was so excited to have a party with my friends and family that night. I endured a little photo shoot with my mom in our backyard, but felt sort of grumpy (you can tell by my picture!).

After my nap, I was ready to party! (well, sort of.....I had to suck my thumb for a while with my bed head). Then I was ready to go!

My friends Ava and Kayla came over and played in the backyard with me. My cousin Paxton came too. So did all their siblings!

One of my favorite things in the world is a slug-bug. I can spot one from a mile away and really get mad if my sisters get it first. So my mom made me a pink slug-bug cake! Yummy!

I got awesome presents! All the kids were so excited to watch me open them! It only took me like three minutes because I'm the fastest present opener ever! I got these really cool sippy cups from my cousin Packy so I'll [hopefully] stop stealing his all the time!

Kayla got me a Baby Alive doll that has it's own baby carrier! And I blew out my candles all at once.

My mom got her traditional picture of everyone who was at my party! It was Grandma and Grandpa, the McLeods, the Navisons and the Prietos.

We all played out in the backyard until I heard my Grandma tell me I better open the front door! I ran quickly outside when I saw my Grandpa wheeling up my new bike!!

I hopped on my new Princess bike and tried it out with help from my Grandma and Grandpa. I loooove it and already started pedeling!

All the kids were cheering me on! And Packy wanted his turn too (of course I didn't let him. I'm three, not 23!). Thanks everyone for making my birthday so fun and special!!!!!

(I love you Pey Pey! Thank you for being such a little light in our family!!! You couldn't be any cuter, smarter or sweeter! - Mommy)


Beth said...

so very sweet. Sounds like 2 days of lots of fun. Can't believe you and Luke are three. Makes me want to cry. Pam I love your hair.

britt said...

What a fun birthday for a 3 year old. ANd of course you never disappoint with the incredibly creative cakes MOM!
Happy Birthday Peyton :)

Eliza2006 said...

Cute! Happy birthday, Pey...wish we could have been there to celebrate with you!

Unknown said...

I was just thinking that is quite a coincidence that we each have a child born in April, Oct. and Nov. Now you need to have one in August ( HA HA). Happy Birthday Peyton. You really don't have any babies in your house any more- that sounds really nice right about now:)

Janessa Couch said...

What a fun cake and party!!!!!!!! I absolutely love it.

Tabitha said...

SO cute! I can't believe she is already 3!?