Friday, August 11, 2006

Sugar Overload

Can you tell I've been in a blog-funk lately? But alas, here I am a week later to report on the excitement of my day today (yeah right). I had to do my blood glucose screening today - one of the fun tests done routinely during pregnancy. Anyway, it's pretty gross. I had to go to the lab first thing this morning (without eating, which is hard for me!). They drew blood, then had me down this 10 oz bottle of what is basically REALLY sugary orange soda - on an empty stomach. Then I had to stay at the lab for an hour and they drew my blood again to see how my body metabolized the sugar. Ugh, it is just the yuckiest thing to do first thing in the morning. Don't get me wrong...I'm always up for a bowl of Fruit Loops or Lucky Charms...but (sugar-wise) this was like eating about 5 bowls!

But at least it's one more step and one more test closer to meeting this baby! My sister-in-law Maren just had her third baby (congrats on little Brock - yet another cute red head!) the other day and it's made me begin to contemplate the inevitable....LABOR! It's about now in pregnancy that I begin to realize that there is NO way out of that part! My mom is so sweet and said she is "getting ready" by watching the baby birthing stories on TLC and Discovery Health. I'm glad SHE is because for some reason they freak me out too much right now! Luckily I have a few more months to get to the point where I'd do just about ANYTHING to get the baby out! I guess I'm not quite there yet :-)


Unknown said...

I hate that orange stuff- my doctor lets us eat a king size snickers if we want! Don't dread the labor, try to focus on the birth and what a special moment that is- there is nothing like it to me:)

Chris Grover said...

Oh wow, Jamie! That just doesn't look so tasty! I would have thrown that up for sure! Can't believe how quickly this has gone by, and that you will be welcoming baby soon! Can't wait!