Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Magic Answer?

Does anyone have a magic potion or answer to helping me survive the next 9 weeks....and then the first three or so months of the baby's life? Seriously, lately, I just feel like I can't balance it all! Life requires more than I feel like I have. I'm running on a depleted energy bank. It must be very tied to my physically-way-less-than-par status because things do not usually overwhelm me as much as they have been lately. Whether it be cleaning my house, or doing my church duties, or telling my kids not to (constantly) fight, cut their hair, draw on the walls, talk rudely to me, or getting them to actually get dressed, eat and get out the door ON TIME.....ugh. Sorry, I'm just a big complainer lately. If I were objectively talking to someone like me, I'd simply think "just hang in there, 9 more weeks and you're body will start to feel somewhat normal, etc", but at this point that does NOT help me to think that. It's amazing how life can feel all jumbled and hard even when nothing is really actually WRONG, you know?

Anyway, thanks for listening. Oh, and email me if you have that magic potion or answer! :-)


Eliza2006 said...

Hey if you figure out the answer let me know. I'll pay good money to figure out how to get out of this funk I'm in!


Unknown said...

Lower your standards!!!DONT be a perfectionist- choose your battles. Give yourself more credit. One day at a time you will make it through this. Actually, remember that sometimes its easier to take care of that little baby while it is still in your belly.

Chris Grover said...

I think you must be too hard on yourself, because you are such a GREAT mother and somehow you already seem to have found that magic potion! I am constantly awed by how people like you do it -- and do it so well! Take a look at ALL the countless good and worthwhile things you accomplish in your life, even the day to day things, and don't worry about the little things you may not get to. Love ya!