Thursday, August 31, 2006

How Things Change

Wow, I found this old pic on my computer today. It was 2 1/2 years ago, when Lexi was maybe 8 weeks old? I really had two babies, but didn't realize it at the time. I thought Jordyn was so mature! Anyway, it's just fun to look back at how much they have merged and become best friends. As much as their arguing can drive me up a huge wall, I am grateful that they have eachother and hope they always stay close like they are now. It's also strange to look back at baby pictures and realize that we're getting ready to do it all AGAIN! Wow!

1 comment:

Chris Grover said...

WOW!! You don't realize how much kids can change in just a short few years! That is amazing! I can't wait to see how baby #3 fits into the mix! Such CUTE girls you have!