Friday, August 25, 2006


Today was Jordyn's first day of pre-school! She has been so excited for this. A few of her close friends, as well as her cousin Alyson, just started kindergarten, so she's been looking forward to starting her "school" too. She goes two days per week from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. I think it will be a fun social/learning time for her...and a break for mommy from the sibling rivalry!! Lexi, however, was not so keen on the idea of not getting to stay and play there. She and Jordyn are so close in age that they're used to doing most of the same things. So I'll have to come up with some special Mommy-Lexi time while Jordyn's away.

Each transition of parenthood has had its own unique surprises and challenges! The phase I'm starting to enter is much more structured than the phase I've been in for the past four years. Deadlines and timeframes! And I'm sure adding child #3 will bring on a whole new world of it's own. Speaking of child #3...I went to the Dr. today and, as I had suspected, she is breech at the moment. My Dr. isn't too worried yet since I've still got a ways to go. But something felt different about this pregnancy because Lexi was head down from like 23 weeks on and this just felt a bit different. Anyway, all is well and fine and we're getting anxious to meet this little one!


Unknown said...

Cooper turned breech at 37 weeks and luckily they flipped him- what an experience. I'll pray that you don't have to go through that.

Debbie said...

Our oldest was also breech and turned 24 hours before we went in for my C-section. What a blessing! I hope she turns for you.

Chris Grover said...

Jordyn looks adorable -- I cannot believe how fast they grow up! And we'll be praying for you that your little girl gets facing the right way for her journey into the world!