Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Clay School Projects and Open House - April 2016

Open House at Clay is always busy for our family, since we have three different grades to visit in a short amount of time.  But it's fun to see what the kids have been working on.

Lexi had Mr. Lopes for 6th grade...his very first year teaching!  He was her most favorite teacher ever and she absolutely loved everything about 6th grade because of him.

Peyton had to choose a person to do a big project on....it had to be a person that did something special, and made an impact on other people.  She chose Helen Keller!  She had to tell a story about herself, as if she was Helen Keller...and she was SO nervous at first.  It caused lots of anxiety.  But she did such a good job and learned a lot.

Peyton loves Mrs. Boyd.  Having her for two years in a row (for 2nd and 3rd grades) was very special for her, and she grew very attached.

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